Skyline Lua API  Version 1.0
Lua Script Reference for Skyline Game Engine.
draw Member List

This is the complete list of members for draw, including all inherited members.

autoClear(int state)draw
circle(vec3 position, float radius, float segment, color col)draw
circleFilled(vec3 position, float radius, float segment, color col)draw
cube(vec3 position, float scale, color col)draw
cubeFilled(vec3 position, float scale, color col)draw
cylinder(vec3 position, float radius, float segment, float height, color col)draw
cylinderFilled(vec3 position, float radius, float segment, float height, color col)draw
line(newType.vec3 lineStartV3, newType.vec3 lineEndV3, newType.color lineColour)draw
sphere(vec3 position, float radius, float smooth, color col)draw
sphereFilled(vec3 position, float radius, float smooth, color col)draw
tetra(vec3 position, float scale, color col)draw
tetraFilled(vec3 position, float scale, color col)draw